Church Information

What is the PCC – Parochial Church Council?

The running of our parish is the joint responsibility of the vicar and the Parochial Church Council (PCC), which is made up of the parish clergy and elected representatives from our congregation. As such, the PCC is our church’s governing body and also the board of trustees which oversees the church’s charitable works and finances.

The powers and duties of PCCs are laid down in law. Key duties are to co-operate with the vicar in promoting the mission of the Church in the parish and to be responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents.

As of January 2025 there are 6 members of the PCC, 6 lay members elected to serve until May 2027 and 1 church warden. The parish is currently interregnum with no vicar.

If you would like to join the PCC please call Sally, the churchwarden

Position Vacant for Vicar in a ‘house for duty post’

4 RURAL SOMERSET PARISHES near FROME, working in close harmony are seeking someone for a House for Duty role.

Who do we seek? Someone who is wanting to share their faith with us and encourage a sense of the church being part of everyday village life.

What can we offer in return? Supportive PCCs with a Benefice administrator

Being part of the Frome Deanery in a 4 bedroom bungalow in the heart of Mells village

Strong support from retired clergy and lay worship leaders

Set in the stunning countryside of the Mendip Hills you would be warmly welcomed by our active and supportive congregations who have worked together during the interregnum. 

The agreed pattern of ministry for this house for duty post is to work 6 sessions including Sunday each week.

Applications still accepted – Please email Sally Rosa


“A picture can convey 1000 words” so please take a look at our Profile to get to know us better.

We have 2 Service per month + 3 Benefice Services per year. Join us for communion every 3rd Sunday at 9.30am. Or every 4th Sunday for an informal non-liturgical lay -led service comprising of sung worship, extemporary prayer, Bible reading and a short reflection

Our services are filled music and a welcoming community. Services are usually followed by tea, coffee and sometimes cake.

Any updates to services or additional information can be found here.

The Church is open every day.

Our Grade 1 listed C12th church was built on earlier foundations in 12th Century during Norman times. The walls consist of random rubble with a stone dressing. The church has many features of other architectural periods. It was lengthened and a the tower added in 13th Century. The three stage tower has corner buttresses and a saddleback roof. The porch was built in 14th Century and the North Transept in the 18th Century. The Minstrel Gallery is Elizabethan and can be accessed from an outside staircase on north west corner of the tower. Also of note are the fine Jacobean boxed pews seating only 80. The ribbed barrel vault ceiling from the 17th Century which is currently due for repair.

If you would like to donate to our church fund, please use link below

Flower & Cleaning Rota

Please follow link below for Rota

We also have a biannual church yard tidy up, usually Spring and Autumn.

Dates on Events Page and Village WhatsApp Group

Safeguarding Contact Details

Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about child or adult safeguarding concerns?

  • Great Elm Parish Safeguarding Officer
  • Richard King
  • Contact number : 07980 401306
  • Email:

To whom are you directly accountable?

Insurance Document