Village Offerings

Historical Insights

Uncover fascinating stories and events from Great Elm’s past with our historical insights & local stories. Read More Here

Scenic Gallery

Marvel at the beauty of the village through our collection of photographs, both old and new. Please send any photos using the contact us page

Our Village Ethos

Our village is steeped in rich history, with a deep sense of community and a commitment to preserving our heritage for future generations.

Community Hub

We strive to provide a welcoming space for locals and visitors alike to celebrate our village. Our village hall can be booked for your special events or join in with our fun and vibrant community gatherings.


This charming little rural Somerset village with Ancient History connections to the Wool trade and Mill history.
The scenery here can be breath-taking helping to connect with nature and offering fascinating insights into the region’s geology.
The village hall a perfect setting for events, clubs and classes. Making for an inexpensive experience for everyone.